Do you or your accounting team need more information about Below you'll find our vendor information and billing details.
For customers in the United States and Canada, use the information below to set up as a vendor.
Contact information
Business Name: |, Inc. |
Attention: | Account Receivable |
Company address: |, Inc., 800 W El Camino Real, Ste 170, Mountain View, CA 94040 |
Email: | |
Service Description: | is a Mountain View, California-based technology company that develops speech to text transcription applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning. |
Incorporated: | Delaware, April 2016 |
Remittance address
Please default to the ACH / Wire payment details provided on your invoice for fast, secure, and accurate payment. If you do not support ACH / Wire payments, please remit paper checks to our office address. Please reference the invoice number on any ACH / Wire payment or paper check. Remit all paper checks to the following address:, Inc.
800 W El Camino Real Suite 170
Mountain View, CA 94040
Note: Bank account details for electronic bank transfers are found at the bottom of your invoice. Electronic bank transfer is only available for subscriptions purchased through the sales team. Speak with your sales representative if you have any questions.
Additional information
D&B/DUNS number: 08-082-8256
Federal tax ID: EFIN/TIN 81-2445246