Customize your OtterPilot settings for your meeting needs. You can manage your OtterPilot settings to control attendance, notifications, sharing, screen captures, send out Otter Chat Q&As, and more.
Meeting Settings
Find all of your OtterPilot settings on the Account Settings > Meetings page or through the settings gear icon on the Home page calendar:
You have control over the following settings:
- Auto-join all meetings
- Email meeting host about OtterPilot joining
OtterPilot chat messages
- Send live transcript and summary
- Send Otter Chat Q&A
- Send pre-recording emails
- Auto-capture meeting screens
Auto-join all meetings
This setting controls whether your OtterPilot will automatically join a calendar event. Toggling this setting On will ensure OtterPilot automatically joins and records all calendar events with a valid Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Team meeting URL.
Email meeting host about OtterPilot joining
Toggling this setting On will notify the host of your OtterPilot joining the meeting. The host will receive an email 24 hours in advance.
OtterPilot chat messages
Manage how your OtterPilot interacts during the meeting. OtterPilot can send a link to the live transcript and summary for easy access, as well as the questions and answers generated by Otter Chat.
Send live transcript and summary
During your meeting, OtterPilot can send notifications through the chat function. Toggling this setting On will prompt Otter at the beginning of the meeting to send a chat message that includes a URL to the live transcript, and reminders to add agenda items or notes. Participants of the meeting can view the live transcript.
Right before the meeting ends, OtterPilot will send another message with a summary of the takeaways and action items of the meeting. Learn more about chat messages during the meeting.
Send Otter Chat Q&A
Send the questions and AI-generated answers from Otter Chat directly to your meeting for all participants to view. Learn more about Otter Chat Q&A.
Send pre-recording emails
Notify calendar event guests that your OtterPilot will be joining and recording the meeting.
If toggled On, OtterPilot will send an email to all calendar guests 5-10 minutes before the scheduled calendar event, notifying participants that your OtterPilot will be joining and recording the meeting.
Below is a preview of the email a calendar guest will receive:
Auto-capture meeting screens
OtterPilot can automatically capture your meeting slides through our Automated Slide Capture feature. Have the option to review both the transcript and meeting slides.