If you can't sign in to your Otter account, choose the topic that most resembles the issue you are experiencing. Follow the instructions for help getting back into your account.
You forgot your password
For issues signing in with your password, follow these steps to reset the password and gain access to your account.
- Go to https://otter.ai/forgot-password.
- Enter your email address and click Send reset link.
- Check your email for a message with a reset password link and click Reset Now.
- Follow the onscreen steps to reset your password.
If you don’t receive an email in your inbox, check your junk or spam folder, or add reply@otter.ai and no-reply@otter.ai to your contacts to make sure that Otter emails are successfully delivered to your inbox.
You forgot the email address you used to sign in
- Try other email addresses you might have used.
- Search through your email inbox for 'Otter.ai', to see if any emails come up. Use that email to sign in or complete a password reset.
If you don't remember the email you used, you may have created an account through Google, Microsoft, or Apple. Try using these authentication methods if you remember creating an account using one of those methods:
Note: If your account was not already associated with the methods above, completing this step will create a new Otter account.
Otter is not loading or you get an error message
- Make sure that:
- There isn't a typo in your username or password.
- You've entered your full email address. For example, "username@gmail.com" instead of "username@gmail."
- Your keyboard is set to the right language.
- Make sure zeros “0” and/or the letter “O” were not entered in place of the other.
- Refresh your browser and try signing in again.
- Clear your cache, restart your browser, and try signing in again.
Learn how to clear cookies and site data in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
You're having trouble with two-factor authentication (2FA)
Contact Otter Support and CC your admin if you are currently having issues due to two-factor authentication (2FA). The following are some reasons you may have trouble authenticating:
- You no longer have access to your authenticator app due to a new phone, deleted app, or restored phone.
- You are not able to receive text messages, either due to carrier issues, sim issues, or you are outside the U.S. and Canada region.
- You lost your backup codes.
- The code is not working.
Read our article on Troubleshooting Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for more info. Note that two-factor authentication (2FA) using text messages is only available for phone numbers located in the United States (U.S.) and Canada region.
You can't reset your password because you can't access your email
If you no longer have access to the email associated with your Otter account, contact Otter Support, and provide the following information to verify your account:
- Last 4 digits of the payment card on file
- Card expiration date
- Amount of the last transaction
- Last transaction date
- The email address you would like your Otter account to be updated to
With that information, we can verify the account and update your email address for you.
Note: We need all 4 pieces of information in order to verify your account.
If you were previously part of an employer’s Workspace and used your work email, please contact your former manager or your former employer’s helpdesk, and have them contact Otter Support so that we can remove you from the Workspace and update your email. The admin of the Workspace can remove you from the Workspace as well.
You get a message that your account is deactivated
There are several reasons your account may have been deactivated. Your account may have been deactivated by your admin, your password could have been entered incorrectly too many times, your account may have violated the Terms of Service, or various other reasons. Contact Otter Support for more information and to request reactivation.
None of the steps above
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the Help Center, or cannot log into your Otter account and you have already tried the steps to reset your password, please contact our Otter Support Team using this form. Please be sure to include the email address associated with your Otter account, as without this information we will not be able to locate your account and help resolve your issue in a timely manner. Additionally, your request may not be prioritized correctly if your email is not associated with an Otter account.